Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Christmas Tree 2010

Trudging through the deep snow

Kessler, Caulder, and Owen taking a break

The family

Ryan and Owen cutting down their tree

Mat and Caulder sledding

Caulder and Kessler looking out the window at the 9" of snow in our backyard
We decided to head up to the mountains this year and cut down a Christmas tree. This is the fourth year we have cut down a tree since we moved to Boise. The Morris's joined us this year. We had a great time, and there was a lot of snow! We pulled off the road past Moore's Mountain pass, and trudged through the snow out into the wilderness. After hiking a 1/2 mile or so, we found the tree. After lugging it back to the car, we ate lunch and went sledding. It was a great winter outing!
We have also received quite a bit of snow so far in Boise. Unfortionately, most of it has melted at this point, but Bogus Basin was able to open for Thanksgiving, which is a first since we have lived in Boise.

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