Thursday, September 25, 2008


Until recently I have been so focused on taking care of two babies at once, I hadn't really thought about what it means to the boys to be a twin. Of course Mat and I have no first hand experience ourselves, so we have looked to friends who have twin siblings and books. However, nothing you read can compare to the actual connection between twins. Now at nine months we are starting to see that "connection" emerge. For instance, the boys have begun to play a sort of version of "chase", which we find very amusing. Typically, Caulder takes off crawling as fast as he can for 10 feet or so, stops, turns back to Kessler, jabbers, then takes off again. Kessler will then take off after Caulder, and chase him around the house. Caulder will stop every so often and wait for Kessler to catch up since he is a little slower at crawling. The most amusing part of their game, is that they are smiling and laughing the entire time.

They are very aware of each other, and like to stick together. I can't help but smile every time Kessler lights up whenever he sees Caulder, or when Caulder is placed in his high chair before Kessler and frowns at Kessler's empty chair. Typically, if one cries (for a reason), the other cries (for no reason). And, of course, if one has a toy, the other immediately wants it (in his mouth). We have so much fun watching them interact, and it gives us much comfort knowing that they will always have each other.

The following video is of Caulder walking (9 mo.).

Friday, September 19, 2008

First Steps!

The boys had their 9 month check-up almost two weeks ago, and everything looks great. We have been so fortunate that neither of the boys have been sick. Both boys are still in the 25% for weight, but up to the 50% for height. Kessler weighed 19lbs 10oz (27-1/2"), and Caulder weighed 19lbs 3 oz (28-1/2"). Caulder has also taken his first steps! It started with 2-3 steps before falling down, but now he can go almost 10 steps. Kessler is perfectly happy on hands and knees.

We met my mom and dad for a weekend in Yellowstone over my Birthday. It was a beautiful fall weekend. We saw lots of Buffalo and elk, but unfortunately no bears or wolves. I've actually been to Yellowstone at lest 20 times, and have never seen a bear in the park, but Mat assures me that Yellowstone is the best place to view them. The boys had a great time with their Grandparents. We did some hiking, biking, fishing, and sight seeing. The photos are from our trip.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Summertime camping

We took the boys on their fourth and most likely final camping trip for the summer. We met our Friends Kevin and Ruth outside of Sun Valley. We had lots of fun barbequeing (even the meatless hotdogs) and hiking in the beautiful nearby mountains.

As usual the dirt and bugs were a hit with the boys. The attached photos are from our trip.
The boys are so active now! They are both crawling all over the place, standing up holding onto furniture and cruising around, and letting go for a solo stand. They have yet to take a step, but we suspect it's comming soon. They also have two teeth. Their 9 mo. appt. is on Friday, and we're excited to see how they've grown.
Thanks, Ruthie for taking the photos!