Thursday, September 25, 2008


Until recently I have been so focused on taking care of two babies at once, I hadn't really thought about what it means to the boys to be a twin. Of course Mat and I have no first hand experience ourselves, so we have looked to friends who have twin siblings and books. However, nothing you read can compare to the actual connection between twins. Now at nine months we are starting to see that "connection" emerge. For instance, the boys have begun to play a sort of version of "chase", which we find very amusing. Typically, Caulder takes off crawling as fast as he can for 10 feet or so, stops, turns back to Kessler, jabbers, then takes off again. Kessler will then take off after Caulder, and chase him around the house. Caulder will stop every so often and wait for Kessler to catch up since he is a little slower at crawling. The most amusing part of their game, is that they are smiling and laughing the entire time.

They are very aware of each other, and like to stick together. I can't help but smile every time Kessler lights up whenever he sees Caulder, or when Caulder is placed in his high chair before Kessler and frowns at Kessler's empty chair. Typically, if one cries (for a reason), the other cries (for no reason). And, of course, if one has a toy, the other immediately wants it (in his mouth). We have so much fun watching them interact, and it gives us much comfort knowing that they will always have each other.

The following video is of Caulder walking (9 mo.).

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