Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Summer Trip to Bozeman

We took a five day trip to Bozeman in September to visit the Weaver Clan. Mat's cousins Terry and Lauren were also visiting along with his brother Chad, wife shawna and 1-1/2 year old daughter Audrey. It was so nice to meet Terry, Susan and their son Jackson, and visit with Lauren who we haven't seen for five or six years.
We visited our favorite park - the dinosaur park, which now has a bench dedicated to Caulder and Kessler from their great grandmother, soaked at Bozeman Hot Springs, and toured Virginia City (a ghost town). Mat also got in an all day hike up to Blackmoore peak.

Best buddies on a brief stop to Yellowstone

Chad and Richard on the way up to Blackmoore Peak

View of the Hialite mountains

Lauren, Martha, and Audrey

Terry, Jackson, and Susan with Tim in the background

Me and the boys in Virginia City

Virginia City

A historical re-enactment of a fugitive cpture and hanging in Virginia City.

Coming out with guns blazing

Fishing in the Weaver pond

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