Sunday, November 1, 2009


Taking count of their loot

Kessler the Tiger
The Tiger and the Monkey.

Caulder the onkey

Caulder in the Corn maze

Kessler and Grandma

Caulder driving the car

Caulder roping a calf

Monkey Mat

The boys got their first taste of Trick-or-treating this year. We went with a few three year olds, and the boys had so much fun trying to keep up. They ended up with lots of candy (mostly because they did not understand that they were allowed to take only '1' candy frm each bowl). Since Caulder is such a Monkey, we picked out the costume for him. But, Kessler saw the tiger costume in the store and wouldn't leave without it. Earlier in the day we went to a pumpkin patch with a corn maze, pony rides, and a pig races. It was a great fall day. We also had a fun visit from Grandma Deedee and Anutie Jean. The boys had tons of fun

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