Monday, May 4, 2009


Caulder draging mama along to find the candy filled Easter eggs.
Some times it's more fun to just pick flowers.

I didn't know there were scary things at Easter.
Grandma G. and the boys.
Grandpa G. helping Caulder find the eggs.

The hunt is on.
Chilling with a basket.
Chilling in a basket.

OK. I'm a little late on this post. But, better late than never..... right? We had a fun Easter with a visit from Grandma and Grandpa Godfrey. The boys had a great time with their Grandparents. We also had a visit from the Easter Bunny, and went on two Easter Egg hunts. We were surprised at how well the boys caught on to collecting Easter eggs. Although, once the basket was full, they had just as much fun dumping it out. We were also joined by Grandma Mathews in the afternoon for a yummy Easter dinner.

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