Thursday, November 19, 2009

Climbing out of the crib

Well, it's finally happened....Caulder climbed out of his crib. But it's not what you would expect. The day before he climbed out, he actually climbed in while I was changing Kessler. Then the next day Grandma Katie found him in Kessler's crib after their nap. I'm happy to know that he'd rather join his brother than explore the house. Kesler was happy about it too. He ran around the house for the rest of the day recapping Caulders launch into his crib.

The attached photo is of a steelhead Mat caught in the Boise River in town. The boys got to watch Mat gut and clean it. And of course they insisted on kissing the fish. Yuck.

Sunday, November 1, 2009


Taking count of their loot

Kessler the Tiger
The Tiger and the Monkey.

Caulder the onkey

Caulder in the Corn maze

Kessler and Grandma

Caulder driving the car

Caulder roping a calf

Monkey Mat

The boys got their first taste of Trick-or-treating this year. We went with a few three year olds, and the boys had so much fun trying to keep up. They ended up with lots of candy (mostly because they did not understand that they were allowed to take only '1' candy frm each bowl). Since Caulder is such a Monkey, we picked out the costume for him. But, Kessler saw the tiger costume in the store and wouldn't leave without it. Earlier in the day we went to a pumpkin patch with a corn maze, pony rides, and a pig races. It was a great fall day. We also had a fun visit from Grandma Deedee and Anutie Jean. The boys had tons of fun

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Yellowstone in the Fall

We took a four day trip to Yellowstone National Park in October. It's our favorite time of the year to visit the park, becuase it's empty and the animals are active. We lucked out on the weather with a breif break in the snow over the weekend. We toured most of the guyser basins, and saw a lot of wildlife. The boys even got to see their first grizzley bear! Mat also spent a morning fishing in the park with some success. The boys are developing such fun personalities, and were great entertainment all the way to MT.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

The End of Summer

Thanks Dahlbergs for sending Keaton over to do a little housework!
Kessler coloring. I guess he doesn't realize that he is supposed to color on the paper.

Caulder hanging out at home.
Biking in the water???
On a walk and hoping the cracks.
Kessler contemplating the covered wagon at 3-Mile Crossing State Park.
The family on a covered wagon.
On a walk with the Grandparents and a very happy pups.
Grandpa and Kessler navigating the 3 mile crossing launch.

Picnicing with Grandparents.
On a hike during our camping trip.
Bridger pooped out.
The Summer has come to an end and we are looking toward cold temperatures and maybe even snow??!!! The summer wrapped up nicely. We had a short visit from Grandpa Dick and Grandma DeeDee in early September. We spent the weekend picnicing and exploring State Parks near Twin Falls. We even took a brief visit to a winery.
We also went camping for the last time this summer near Sun Valley. We had great weather and a great time. The four of us were joined by the Schultz-Early's and the Morris's.
Mat went on his annual fishing trip a couple of weeks ago in Eastern Idaho. As usual they had a great time. I'm sure Mat will post details and photos.
Recently, we have been hanging out around Boise and enjoying time with friends and local activities.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Summer Update

The boys on their new balance bikes in Bozeman. Our backing trip to Yellowstone, sans little ones.
Uncle Chad and Kessler on the electric 4-wheeler.
Great Grandma Martha and the boys admiring the pond.

Grandpa Richard Weaver and Kessler doing a pop-a-wheelie in the canoe on the Weaver pond in Bozeman.
Kessler and Caulder in Bozeman.

Watching fireworks from the rooftop of the Great Northern in Whitefish, MT. Photo compliments of Ellie Peterson.
The whole gang in Whitefish enjoying a childless night out. Photo compliments of Ellie Peterson.
Camping in Stanley, Idaho.
Enjoying the view at Redfish Lake. Well, maybe not the boys.
Grandma Katie and Cualder at Redfish Lake.

Climbing the hill to take a look at the little white church in Silver City, ID. A partial ghost town.

Summertime camping.

Enjoying Rocky Canyon Hot Springs.
The boys airing out after a dip in the hot springs.

Bummer, I see that the last post we made, along with pictures, was never updated and published to the Internet for some reason. I'm sure it was user error. I'm having a hard time remembering what we posted about. I'm pretty sure it was an update on our summer activities, in which case we have been very busy. We just got back from our second trip to MT this year, where we relaxed in Bozeman, MT and the surrounding area for a week. Danielle and I spent our first couple nights away from the boys, together. We spent our first night backpacking at YNP in the Pebble Creek Drainage, located in the extreme NE corner of the park. We did a 13 mile hike through lush forests and wildflower laden meadows in a beautiful canyon. It was a nice contrast to the plains and geysers typically found in Yellowstone. We spent the second night at Chico Hot Springs Resort in Paradise Valley, MT. I think the backpacking was my anniversary activity and Chico was for Danielle. Either way, we are much indebted to Grandpa Richard Weaver, Oma Rachel, G. Grandma Martha, and Uncle Chad who watched the boys on our much needed hiatus.

Prior to that trip we spent the 4th of July in Whitefish, MT, and a few other weekends camping in and around Boise. While in Whitefish we were treated to an extravagant time by the Peppemeiers and the Larkins while we caught up with long lost friends from MSU. It was a blast hanging out with the Petersons, Bertlesens, and Dahlbergs. Love you guys. Our camping trips took us to Stanley and a couple of campgrounds along forks of the Boise River. The most memorable of the weekend camping outings was a trip to Rocky Canyon Hot Springs.

A few pictures to recap the summer. I'll post more later when I get time.