Friday, May 16, 2008

It's finally summer time in Boise, and we're so excited to get the boys outside! They are growing fast, and seem to do something new each day. We have so much fun with them. Thanks once again to our generous friends we have acquired two excersaucers. The boys love them, and they are becoming fairly coordinated. However, it's amazing how much room two excersaucers take up. And then when you factor in two bouncy seats, a swing and a multitude of toys, we appear to be living in Willy Wanka's Factory.
Caulder and Kessler have also discovered Bridger and Mocha (our dog and cat). They spend hours watching them and laughing hysterically, which is funny since Bridger and Mocha pay very little attention to them. Whenever they can, they grab their fur in passing. I can just imagine what they'll do when they can crawl.We attempted to take the boys on their first camping trip last weekend. Unfortunately, after hours of packing we got to our site only to discover we forgot one of the tent poles. Since the tent cannot stand with only one pole (we now have a two compartment monster tent) we had to head home. We did manage to get in a hike around Bruneau Dunes Lake.
Our biggest development is the addition of bananas to the babies diet. The first couple of attempts resulted in quizical looks and more bananas on the bibs than in their mouths. But after a week of bananas they have the hang of it and practically pounce on the spoon whenever it's near their mouths.

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