Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Back to work

Alls well on the home front. The Weaver family continues to be on a big adventure. I have returned to work after three short months of maternity leave. Leaving the boys and entering back into the adult world has taken a bit of adjustment. Luckily I have been able to jump back on the renovation of the Idaho State Capitol which I have been working on for most of the past seven years. We're leaving the boys in the care of their Grandmother (Mat's mom) which is going very well!
This site is a conglomeration of some of our favorite photos. Enjoy!


Team Peppmeier said...

The boys are getting so big! They are darling, we look forward to meeting them in person. Best of luck with everything!

Dahlberg said...

Those pics are great! Sorry it was so crazy at our house Saturday. We need to get together again shortly so I can actually hold the boys.

The Bertelsen Bunch said...

The pictures of the boys are great! It is amazing how fast the 3 months of maternity leave goes, isn't it? Good luck with the adjustment of going back to work, you will do great! Just take it one day at a time, that is how I have gotten through it! Take care! Love, Betsy, Kennet & Elsa