Saturday, March 10, 2012


Although Bogus Basin, our local ski hill, had its latest opening ever (January 19, 2012), we have managed to make it up skiing 10 times so far. The boys had lessons in February, which gave Mat and I some time to ski on our own. It is so fun to watch Caulder and Kessler progress. They started out on the magic carpet, and quickly progressed to green and blue runs. Caulder has no fear, and is a little speed demon. Kessler is more cautious and likes to focus on perfecting his turns. We’ll be sad to see the ski season end.

Adenoid Removal

Happy to be rid of my adenoids
Kessler has had a chronic stuffy nose and snores while he sleeps for about the past year. We decided it was finally time to have his nose checked out. It turns out that his adenoids, as well as his tonsils, were very large. We decided to have his adenoids removed, and wait on the tonsils. It was a relatively simple surgery, but has made a huge difference in his breathing. It is so nice to hear him sleeping quietly.


Bridger, the spoiled rotten pups, rarely makes the headlines, but recently she had an infection that perplexed even the best vets. We'll spare you the gory details (and photos). We were never able to determine exactly what happened to her, but apparently she was bitten by something like a spider or a tick. Her rear left leg swelled up to about 4x its normal size. She had a fever, stopped eating, and pretty much just laid around in pain. She also lost a lot of skin on her leg around the bite, and we had to put a very complicated bandage on her leg twice, then once a day. After many rounds of various drugs, she slowly got better. I think her vet was the most surprised about her recovery. Her skin slowly grew back, and then her hair. You can now hardly tell there was ever anything wrong with her leg.