Monday, March 28, 2011

What I want to be when I grow up

 Last weekend for night skiing
 We're ready for some patients

 Giving a shot to the unfortionate puppy
 Heart rate seems good
 Preparing for surgery on the baby
Bridger concerned that it's her turn next

In addition to lots of skiing this year, Caulder and Kessler have been working on our careers. Kessler is training to be a veterinarian like his aunt Denice, and Caulder a people doctor. I think they really just like giving shots.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Trip to Utah

We made a quick trip over Presidents Day weekend down to Salt Lake City, UT to visit our good friends Kevin and Ruth. When we arrived on Friday evening the ground was bare. When we left on Monday morning there was 24" of snow on the ground. It snowed. Sunday we skied at Snowbasin in 24" of new powder. A pretty awesome day by most accounts.  We also checked out the Ancient History Museum and Ikea. It was a great time with great friends and great conversation.

Last weekend Grandpa Dick and Grandma Deedee made a short visit to Boise. The boys had a blast with their Grandparents who took them to all their favorite hot spots. We also checked out the World Center for Birds of Prey and a couple local restaurants.

In between visiting friends and relatives, our household has been in and out of winter illness since Christmas. We've battled colds, fevers, the flue, ear infections (the first ones for the boys), and pink eye. Just when we think we're through the worst, something else crops up. Mat and the boys have had it the worst. I escaped with a minor cold that didn't even last a week. Thanks preschool!