We took a quick three day trip to Bozeman over President's Day weekend to visit Mat's family because we didn't make it out there for the Holidays. We stayed in West Yellowstone on our way over there, and bought two sleds. Since Bozeman still had about two feet of snow on the ground, we got a lot of use out of the sleds. We also spent some time in the MSU bookstore, the Museum of the Rockies, and downtown shops. Mat's Grandma and Aunt graciously watched the boys on Valentine's Day so Mat and I could go out for dinner, and visit a couple of our old haunts.
We are amazed every day at how much the boys seem to grow and change. They are both about 3'-0" tall and have amazing vocablularies. They love to ask questions, sing songs, and give commands to Bridger (the dog). However, my favorite is waking up in the morning to the sound of their voices conversing with each other in their bedroom. They basically have free range of the house, but seem to prefer to play together in their bedroom. Unfortionately, staying in their bedroon doesn't keep them out of trouble. A couple of days ago I walked into their room, and they had taken evey single one of the diaper wipes out of the box (about 100 wipes) and left them in crinkled piles around the room. As soon as I walked into the room, they lept into their beds and blamed the mess on each other. Bed time can also be quite an event. As tired as the boys may seem, the minute the doors close they get their second wind. It typically takes about 45 minutes to an hour of Mat and I going in and out of their room to get them to sleep. They know better than to leave the room, and climb into each others beds to play. If unsupervised, their quiet paying usually escallates to jumping on the beds, laughing and climbing on the furniture. However, the other night they were strangely quiet after a couple of peeks into their room. So when I checked on them after about an hour I was surprised to see them curled up together on the floor in the middle of the room. They had drug their pillows, blankets, and stuffed animals onto the floor and fell asleep together. It was just too cute to move them, so we left them there for the night.