We hope this blog post finds everyone well and enjoying the New Year. Not much change in our routine here. Wake up, change diapers, feed babies, put babies to sleep, repeat process to infinity. Well, it's not really that bad. And the boys are growing and continue to do well. Danielle and I thank our lucky stars everyday b/c both Kes and Caul don't appear to be colicky or "criers". If they are crying they either need (1) diapers changed, or (2) to be fed. Pretty simple really.
We did have a hearing check-up yesterday for both of them and everything was great. We will have to continue to do this for the next year b/c of potential hearing loss side effects associated with the gentimiacin (antibiotic) both boys took while in the NICU to combat their pneumonia.
A few more pictures for those relatives clamouring for more. Enjoy.