Saturday, December 27, 2008

Happy Holidays!!!!

Kess trying to climb up the slide

Kess and Grandma Mathews

Kess with his new blocks

Uncle Lucas and his new fishing waders

Caulder at the park
Caulder amongst the many gifts

Thank-you its just what I've always wanted

Singing Christmas carols

Bridger waiting to go out and play in the snow

Bridger opening presents

Walking off all the food

Kessleer, Caulder, and daddy

Sliding cars down the slide

Opening gifts

Let's dance!
Merry Christmas to all. We had a busy week full of family, fun, good food, good drink, good conversation, and snow! This was the second Christmas with our two little angles, and we had lots of fun making it memorable.
We started out the Holidays with a nice visit from Richard and Rachael Weaver. They braved the elements and ventured to Boise from Bozeman. The boys got to spend lots of time with their Bozeman Grandparents, which allowed mommy and daddy to do a little relaxing and finish up Christmas shopping. Our second visitor was Mat's Brother Lucas, who was spending part of his college break from the University of Montana with us. We have had great visit, and the boys really enjoy having their uncle around. Lucas will be in Boise through this weekend. Mat's brother Eric was also planning a very short visit earlier this week on his way up to Montana from Texas. Unfortunately, the weather caused the interstate to close down, and Eric was unable to make it. We're hoping to catch him on his way back down to Texas.
Christmas was very eventful. Mat and I assembled our first of many Santa gifts for the boys on Christmas eve, and the boys woke up to a large climbing fort complete with a ladder and slide on Christmas morning. Mat's mom and brother joined us Christmas morning to open gifts, and eat breakfast. The boys had lots of fun tearing into their presents. The wrapping paper and bows were a hit. Thank you to everyone for all of the wonderful gifts. We are so lucky to have such thoughtful families. We later took the boys on a trek through the snow to a near-by playground, and then concluded the day with a large Christmas dinner. We were full and exhausted by the end of the day, but wouldn't have changed a thing.
We hope the Holidays find everyone happy and healthy!

Friday, December 19, 2008

It has hit home

Until we had our One Year appointment with our pediatrician, it hadn't really hit home how fast the last year has gone. We really can't believe that it's been a whole year since I gave birth to two little boys. The boys are doing great. They have quadrupled their birth weight in a year. Both were born just under 5-1/2lbs, and now Kessler weighs 21lbs-12oz and Caulder weighs 21lbs-4oz. They are still in the 25% for weight, but almost the 75% for height- Caulder is 30" and Kessler is 29-1/2".

The boys are so interested in Mat and I and everything we do and say. Neither of them have said their first word, but suddenly at 1 year are signing a number of words. Caulder has picked it up quicker and can sign milk, more, eat, noisy, puppy, all done, tree, and my personal favorite- mama. We're still working on daddy. Kessler likes to sign noisy and no. I'm not sure why either of them took to noisy, or how they even learned it. But, they are definitely the noisiest entities in the house.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

WE'RE ONE!!!!!!

WOW, it's been a whole year. We can hardly believe it. The little peanuts have turned into little monkeys. I took the day off work on Friday to spend with the boys on their Birthday, and then we had a little party for them on Saturday. It was a great day, and we appreciate the wonderful gifts from everyone! The boys have had so much fun this week playing with all their new toys and books. The photos are from their party. We couldn't resist posting so many.

Happy Birthday Caulder and Kessler. The past year has been has been amazing. We love you!

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Thanksgiving in Portland

Caulder, Keaton, Kessler

Caulder and Kessler on our hike

Family photo at Thanksgiving

We traveled to Portland on Wednesday to spend Thanksgiving with my family. The boys were great for the almost 8 hour drive, and we discovered why millions of Americans turn to McDonalds for traveling pleasure. The boys loved the indoor playgrounds, and got out lots of energy. This thankfully helped them to sleep most of the drive. We celebrated Thanksgiving at my realitive's house (thank-you for the great meal Terry and Hanna). They boys enjoyed their first traditional Thanksgiving dinner. We then had a family 1st Birthday celebration for the boys on Saturday with both members of my family and Mat's. It was fun, but a little overwhelming for the boys. We had an ice cream cake, which was a hit, but massive sugar overload leading to a breakdown by Caulder. His breakdown was taken to a whole new level when he mistook a bar of soap for another piece of cake, and took a big bite. We were giving them a little bath after the big cake escapade, and Caulder found a bar of sop on the edge of the tub. He cried for about an hour, but then got a second wind, and spent lots of time playing with their many wonderful new toys!

We also found time to do a pretty hike in the woods along the Sandy River, and go into town for a Blazers game. We got to spend lots of time with my sister (visiting from Boston), and her fun new boyfriend Joe (no not Joe the plumber). It has been a year since the boys have seen their aunt.

Most of the photos are from our trip. Unfortunately, our camera battery died, so we will need to post more photos later when we receive them from my mom and sister. I also included a photo of Caulder, Kessler, and Keaton taken before watching a MSU vs. BSU basketball game the Monday before Thanksgiving.

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Busy, busy, busy

Mat and I are constantly amazed at how far the boys have come over the past 11 months. They seem to understand so much, and can do simple commands. For example, we will say 'Where is the puppy', and they'll walk over to Bridger (our dog) and pet her, or climb on her. They are starting to imitate everything, except of course sign language, which we have been trying to teach them for 5 months now. However, we can tell that they understand the signs we show them. They both love to clap their hands, pat everything, and make raspberry sounds. It is truly amazing how observant and clever they are. They quickly learn how to operate just about every button, knob, drawer, or cap they encounter. But, it seems to be their ultimate goal to sit in Bridger's water dish. They will appear to be completely focused on a task, but the minute they hear the door open to her eating area, they make a beeline for her water dish (or her food if it's also in her dish). I don't know how many times we've pulled them sopping wet out of her water dish, or pulled handfuls of dog food out of their mouths. Kessler's new talent is shaking his head 'no'. It's pretty funny now, but I'm sure will be a pain when he actually figures out what it means.

The boys are just are extremely busy. They love to climb up on everything, open everything, tip things over, throw and spit food on the ground, and drag things across the ground. Just when you think you have bullet baby proofed the house, they get into something new. Caulder can now run, and loves to be chased. Kessler is getting close to running, and as we feared, never heads in the same direction as Caulder. They are truly a handful (as everyone loves to point out when they see us in public), but we love every minute of it. They are absolutely so much fun right now.

We officially ditched the baby car seats and installed the 'big boy' front facing seats last weekend. The boys love them, and we can finally interact with them when we travel. We are heading to Portland for Thanksgiving, and think the seats will make the drive more comfortable for all of us (except maybe Bridger).

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Spooky Days at the Weavers

Kessler roaring in a dinasaur shell
Caulder contemplating the activity

Caulder and Kessler in the Chariot
Owen, Keaton, Caulder, & Kessler

Caulder and mama
The entire spooky family
Halloween has come and gone, and we thought we should post some photos. We did not take the boys trick-or-treating, but we did take them dressed up to Boo at the Zoo and a Halloween party at the Wagner's. While they may not have thoroughly enjoyed wearing their costumes, they were good sports.
We should also mention that Kessler is now walking. He actually has been walking for a couple of weeks now.